MinKwon's supporters!
The MinKwon Center for Community Action is grateful to our hundreds of supporters - individual donors, government, foundation, and corporate sponsors. Our supporters make our work possible and enable us to continue organizing, advocating, and empowering Korean Americans, Asian Americans, and immigrant communities in New York City.
The following list was last updated in February 2024.
Click donate at the top right of the page to join our growing list of supporters!
1199 SEIU United Healthcare
Adam Abubakar
Adrian E Lee, President and CEO of Beneli Architects & Design Group Inc.
Aiyoung Choi
Alex Volckhausen, President of Tiger Baron Foundation
Andrew Kim
Andrew Schorr
Angela Tae
Anna Lee
Beth Finkel
Bohee Rhee
Boong Kyu Lee
Callista Kim
Carrie P Ryan
Chan Joo Moon
Chang H. Lee
Chi Loek
Chi Mo
Chris Talbot
Chul Pak
Chung W Hong
Danae Kovac
Dave Chou
Don Liu
Dong Chan Kim
Eun Jeong Lee
George Cheung
Grace Pyun
Grace Shim
Grace Young Chung Becker
Hae Chon Choi and Eu Soo Choi
Hanna Lee
Helen Chung
Helen Im
Hye Kyung Won
Hye Seon Kim, Big Leaders LLC
Hyo Nam Park and Hyo Sun Park
Hyun Jung Kim
Hyun Woo Shin
Hyunae Kim
Inhe Choi
Isaac Kim
Jacqueline Kook
Jai Chandrasekhar
Janet Rosenbaum
Jean Bae
Jeehae Fischer
Jenna Ness
Jennifer Kim and Robert Tung
Jim Baek
Jimmy Byrne
Jin Ho Jang
Jisu Kim
Joan Huang
John and Sylvia Park
Jong Hee Lee
Joyce Lilly
Ju-Bum Cha
Julie Kurumada (Kil Joo Lee)
Jungjoo Yi
Karanda Shuen
Karin Wichman
Kevin Cho & Monica Lee
Korea Taekwondo-KTKD
Kurt Denk
Kwang Ja Hong and Kiwan Hong
Kwang S. Kim
Kyong Hui Lee
Kyung Eun Kim
Kyung Hee Shon
Kyung Hee Yun
Lina Lee
Lisa Nenadich
Liz Rhee
Luis Penalver
Ma Chul Im, President of Min Hwa Hyp Inc.
Mae Lee
Mala Ahuja Harker
Marian Hieda
Marianne Yang
Meang Jang
Mee Eun Chang
Mi Kyung Jeon
Michael Kyung Moon Nam
Michael Steinig
Michelle Rhee
Monica Castillo
Moses Chon
Myung Jin Kim
Myungsoon Choi
Myungsoon Kim
Natalie Gruppuso
National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC)
Paul Huang
Philip Chen
Philip Lee
Pil Sun Jun
Pria Balasuriya
Pyong Gap Min
Ralph Yoon, Claro Consulting
Regina Im
Rev. Wontae Cho
Reyn and Esther Cabinte
Roger and Jennifer Park
Roy Kim
Ryan Chong and Hea Jung Yu
Sandra Lee
Sang Min Kim
Sarah Mehta
See Gin Lee
Seulgi Jung
Sheldon Philp, Kimberly Chin and Kerri-Ann Rudd
Shirley Zou
Shivani Daga
Sho Young Shin
Shwetha Shetty
Sohee Bidol-Lee
Songbae Lee
Soo Bin Jang
Soo Bok Kim
Stella Yiu
Steven Choi
Sujan Hong
Sung C. Shin
Sung Jea In
Sung Kon Lee
Sung Ok Lee
Sung Yeon Park
Sungyeon Park
Sunwoo Oh
Sussan Lee
Tae Keun Lee
Tae Jun Youn
Vincent Montagnino
Vivian T Chiu
Walter Russell
Wan Soo Lee and Dong Sun Lee
Wan-Mo Kang and Nan-Won Kang
Wan-Mo Kang, Fox Rothschild LLP
Wilbur Yen
William Jacques
William Juhn
Won-Gi Im
Yang Sun Park
Yangsun Park
Yong Chul Kim
Yong Chun Rim
Yong Tae Hwang, President of Y.T. Hwang Family Foundation
Young Yi Yoo
Yu Jin Hong
Yu Soung Mun and Heesook Kim
Yun Hee Lee
Yun Jeong Lee
Yunhee W. Lee